How to Overcome Depression and Anxiety: A Guide from a Professional Psychologist

Mental health issues are a part of everyone’s life, and they’re only getting more common. Fortunately, there are professionals on the scene to help. A psychologist ChCh is a type of mental health counselor that specializes in helping people deal with problems outside their control. While there’s no single test to determine if you have depression or another mental health condition, having the right information about yourself can go a long way toward helping you figure out what to do about it.

Here is a guide from a Professional Psychologist

What is Depression?

The main symptoms of depression are a sense of sadness or loss of interest in things that normally bring you joy, as well as changes in your appetite, sleeping habits, and energy levels. There are many other symptoms, but these are the most common. If you have a friend or family member who frequently feels down, you may want to investigate if there’s a reason behind it.

How Does Depression manifest itself?

When someone is depressed, they may have low self-esteem or feel worthless. They may have a hard time making decisions or finishing tasks because they’re so worried about what other people will think of them. They may have a hard time enjoying themselves or seeing the best in people because they feel so bad about themselves. Some people also have thoughts of death or dying, which is a recurrent theme among people who suffer from major depression.

What Causes Depression?

While there is no “cure” for depression, there are ways to prevent it and manage it better in the long run. It’s important to remember that depression is a condition that can’t be denied, so if you’re experiencing it, you need to address it and get help for it as soon as possible. There are also ways to identify if a loved one is suffering from depression, so you can learn to help them if they’re approaching a crisis point.

The Signs and Symptoms of Depression

While there are many symptoms, the following are some of the most common: 

  • Depressed mood
  • Feeling sad or down when you shouldn’t be - 
  • Feeling sad or down when you shouldn’t be Loss of interest in things that usually make you happy
  • Feeling too tired or jaded to enjoy your own company or the company of others 
  • Feeling irritable or short-tempered
  • Feeling short-tempered Loss of energy 
  • Decreased interest in sex
  • Decreased interest in food
  • Decreased interest in Exercise
  • Decreased interest in previously enjoyed activities
  • Decreased interest in schoolwork or other daily activities

How to Overcome Depression and Anxiety: A Guide from a Professional Psychologist Chch NZ

Overcome Depression and Anxiety: A Guide from a Professional Psychologist Chch NZ is a book written by an Adelaide-based clinical psychologist. It’s a concise and practical guide to helping people overcome depression and anxiety. Many people are afraid to talk to a professional about their feelings. But talking to a professional can actually be helpful, as they’re trained to tune into and understand you better than anyone else. They may be able to offer some good news or point out some warning signs that you’re approaching a crisis point. The book’s structured format makes it easy to navigate. You can pick up where you left off or start fresh again with each new chapter.


Mental health problems are common and can be difficult to talk to someone about. But don’t feel bad if you don’t know how to get help for a friend or family member who is struggling. You’re not alone. Overcome Depression and Anxiety: A Guide from a Professional Psychotherapy Chch NZ is a helpful guide to help you understand how to talk to a professional if you’re having problems.


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